RC Day 51 - Pair Seeking Pair
Published: 2022-07-25
Updated: 2022-07-25
- Still truckin’ through the Execute Program Advanced TypeScript course. Didn’t do any daily exercises over the weekend and had a whole bunch of spaced repetitions from previous courses to work through.
- Paired! Another Recurser helped me isolate components better in THE EMOTINOMICON. It was extremely cool to help someone make their first PR (and we got from fresh clone to a merged PR in about half an hour)!
- Set my weekly intentions. Last week was a total focus week, so this week I want to be social. Intention: pair every day. Even half an hour.
- Read some of Statecharts: A Visual Formalism for Complex Systems (pdf link) which has crossed my desk before, but another Recurser recommended it so I’m actually reading it.
- Bounced around between a few technical things. Started a tiny nextjs project to work through a visx example. Not abandoning svelte, but visx looks very complete, and I wonder how quickly one can piece together the kind of data viz I’m interested in with it. Might remake/extend Binary Metrics as an experiment.
- I recently signed up for a writing course (“Hate Writing Less”). Today I worked through most of the “Generation” section. It’s providing exactly the kind of extremely-non-prescriptive prompts and advice I need.