RC Day 48 - It Is Less Hot, And I Made Progress
Published: 2022-07-20
Updated: 2022-07-20
Great day, productivity wise, though it didn’t start that way.
- Spent about 4 hours wrestling a really elusive CSS problem in which the width of a text input element would shrink when anything was typed in it, but only in Chrome. Eventually chased it down (first by breaking it in all browsers…)
- Cookie Consumption/Production Group. Made some delicious things I’m terrified to eat because I saw how much butter and sugar went in there.
- Expansive and inspiring coffee chat with another Recurser. There’s a theme here. Recursers are expansive and inspiring.
- Eventually made tons of progress getting a version of THE EMOTINOMICON with semantically similar emotions listed. That will make more sense once I make the demo public. Super hacky back end, and the front end is one monolithic component which desperately requires tidying up, but it works.
Satisfying day 😌