RC Day 27 - ESM

Published: 2022-06-21
Updated: 2022-06-22

First️ time I missed publishing an update on the day, because I finished late. Late, but with VICTORY. Two new things online:

  • Binary Metrics. This is the binary classification threshold-choosing tool I’ve been at work on. The longer I look at the thing, the less satisfied with the styling of it I become. This seems to be true of everything I make. In any case, I learned a ton making this one that will be useful for making more things.
  • Bars. A small horizontal bar-chart builder. I’m happy with the interactions and some nice smooth animations (thanks, Svelte), but I’m not happy that the elements do not signify their affordances, in design-speak. I’m not sure how to make it clear that the title is editable, for instance, in a way that doesn’t interfere with the look of the chart once created. Also, a bunch of focus styles are not applying in Safari :|

The reason I was up late working on that stuff is mostly ES modules, and what I think is a bug related to how Vite bundles js vs typescript. I haven’t gotten to the bottom of it, and, being new to the js/ts ecosystem, it’s very-edge-of-my-understanding. Happy to have shipped some things though, and now feel like I’m getting into a comfortable workflow to put in the reps of building lots of things.
