RC Day 18 - Focus

Published: 2022-06-08
Updated: 2022-06-08

I did what I said I would do and worked almost exclusively on metrics today.

  • Started the day with Execute Program. Learned of TypeScript’s Partial, which solves a problem I’ve had before.
  • Figured out zod properly. There turned out to be almost nothing to it (in a good way)! It provides some really nice utilities for validation beyond TypeScript types, like enforcing a number be in some range.
  • Implemented a file input and wired it up to a svelte store, which feels like it might be the right place to put data read from a file. Since the file input is a component, I’d otherwise have to do some component bindings to pass data up the component hierarchy, and that feels way more complex than it needs to be for this use case.
  • And now I can read and validate a JSON file, and have the viz reactively update for new data \o/
  • Also learned about mushrooms, organising conferences (and giving yourself permission to just do things), and mountain unicycling at RC’s weekly non-programming talks.

I have a whole bunch of TODOs for the thing yet, but today was a good day. Feeling good about having something usable online in a couple more days. Today also felt learning-dense in a good, learning-by-doing, developing specific expertise way.
